11:20 AM
Here we are Me, Peter and Melba at the cancer center for hopefully my last chemo session.
12:28 PM
I have had my blood test I am in recliner number 15 waiting to see Dr Manuis Bhandari.
1:10 PM
The three of us have talked to my Dr. My blood work is very good! :) This is my last session.What happens next? I need to meet with Dr. Summe who is my oncology radiologist. ( he took care of me when I had radiation five years ago) this will be a consultation in regards to if my situation requires more radiation. When they removed the tumors and the breast - the margins which are sourrounding tissue outside of the tumor were close to my bone. Dr Bhandari 's words were "2 mm, actually about 1mm from the bone". Which is close. He is not overly concerned about this - but as a precaution he wants the consultation with Dr.
If if you think of a fried egg- with the yellow part of the egg as the tumor and the egg white as the surrounding tissue . The healthy tissue is close to the bone but healthy.
I see Dr. Summe on June 21 at 3:30 PM
I have a bone density scan on July 2 8:45 AM
Bone density - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bone_density - Similarto Bone density - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaBone density. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Jump to: navigation, search . A scanner used to measure bone density with dual energy X-ray ...-
Images for bone densi
ty scan Search for images of bone density scan
6:00 PM
I am still here - they slowed the Taxotere drip down as I was getting a reaction my hands were becoming numb and I went from being chilled to being flushed and hot, I had some shooting pain in my back underneath my shoulder.
7:05 PM
It is over for today! I am tired - sleep does not come easy when you are on high doses of steroids.
Peter is here to pick me up and we are going to get a pizza..
June 12, 2012
11:00 AM
I have arrived for my post chemo check up and the neulasta shot. I have gained four pounds over night.My blood pressure was low 94/58 and I am unsteady. My stomach is bloated and I seem to be dehydrated. SO I am back in recliner 15 and getting an IV drip.
12:50 PM
IV Drip is over, I am still light headed, blood pressure is a bit better. SO I getting another around of IV fluids. Peter has gone home to let the dog out. I am reclining in my chair with a heated blanket, Not feeling to well. The left quad of my stomach is not making any noise. I am sent home with some laxative suppositories.
3:10 PM
I am ready to go home the second IV drip is over
June 13, 2012
1:43 PM
I am a bit scattered today - blaming it on the chemo treatment and the bone marrow injection I had yesterday. The shot is of Neulasta the horrid side effect's is a toss up between the steroids and this shot as to what has the worst side effects. I found this post in a comment section at the pharmacological site . It pretty much says it all :(
Comment from: AnnMarie, 55-64 on Treatment for 1-6
months (Patient) Published: February 10
I've just received cycle 3 of 8 cycles of Chemo, with Neulasta injections 2
times. I was NOT prepared emotionally for the intense pain, and debilitating
effects of the Neulasta. If I had not had help from my husband for even the
simpliest tasks I don't know what I would have done. I received my latest
Neulasta injection 5 days ago. I am finally starting to get some strength back,
and don't feel AS winded. My first round of Chemo didn't include Neulasta, and I
went thru it like a breeze, but with Neulasta, not so good. Looking down the
road at 5 more cycles of Chemo, I just want to cry at the thought of getting
Neulasta and it's side effects. Any advice?
The best news is this was my last chemo treatment!
Quote: Fear doesn't defeat cancer; empowered treatment defeats cancer.
The best news is this was my last chemo treatment!
Quote: Fear doesn't defeat cancer; empowered treatment defeats cancer.
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