Fighting cancer is like a giant game of Mother May I. There are times when you take a few steps forward and than a few steps back. This is so true. I have taken a giant leap forward. I am feeling good. I have been driving and I helped Peter in the yard today. The yard though it is small has been a challenge this year. It takes a lot of work. Peter has been repairing our stone walls in front of the house. He is strong and lugs the rocks and cement around with ease. We will be heading to the beach and enjoy life with our friends and family - It has been a long year. This will be a celebration for both of us. The cancer walk is moving behind us.
A good thing:) This is the deck garden. tomato plant is not doing well.
Wilma sleeps in a picture frame right next to our bed, on my side. She loves the frame.
i love your blog. Keep writing your wonderful thoughts and sharing your story!