Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Our vacation at Mayo Clinic

1 comment:

  1. This is a very Interesting place to hang out. There are miles of tunnels and walk ways - we have not had to go outside once. The temperature has been minus as much as 10 and that does not include wind chill.
    Yester Day I met the neurologist. Very nice he went over my history and tested my memory. He gave me 4 words to remember. About half an hour later he asked me what they were and the only one I could really remember was Mr Johnson and something to do with Cherry. That was a lot easier then giving me 3 letters to remember after count backwards from 91 by 4! Not sure if I passed.

    Next we went to have my hearing tested. Nothing to worry about a little side effect from the chemo. Her notes show I would be a candidate for a Cochlear Implant if my sound field worsens. What a great thought!

    I all so had blood test . Today
    had the MRI. This was very different than the real loud ear piercing ones I have had at uc. They gave me these warm blankets and tucked me in. Of course I had my head locked in the cage contraption. IT was not very loud and I fell asleep.

    I have test booked up through the 9th and then a balance test on the 28. They are.goinh ro. Have to change this date as Peter and I are not hanging around here for 3 extra weeks.

    Happy New Year everyone, stay safe!
