Wednesday, April 24, 2013

My Gray Hair

My BFs Kathy and Cheryl had a hair intervention with me my while we were all out together when we were out watching  the Reds on opening day.  Being a free spirit  I told them I did not care, but I would think about it <wink> A few days  ago  I updated my Face Book photo and was  blessed to get all of fabulous likes and  comments See  below. So far neither Kathy or Cheryl have responded to the e mail I sent them earlier to day. haha
This is the email I sent

My hair is staying as is, Kathy and Cheryl I appreciate  your suggestions ( about becoming a red head and letting my hair grow so I don't look like I am gay) and ideas for a hair makeover
 However I like it this was and so do a lot of others. I get complements everyday:)    I am a new person I feel better than I have felt in years and I am Happy - :) I like my hair and I like my new love of good draft beer. XO I love all of you very much.

Response from Kissy
You GO girl!!! I love it the way it is too!

Response from Sandy
Hey there,
Is that a response from comments on opening day or are they still giving
you shit?  I like it a lot and the one of the joys of aging is that we can
do, say or wear whatever we choose and tuff petunias to those who don't
like it.  Sandy

Response from Cheryl
Susan, I think you are very beautiful!!  You should do exactly what you want.  But if I were  XXXXX, I would want to sleep in your room at the beach.
Cheryl Mathews 

On Wed, Apr 24, 2013 at 12:27 PM, <> wrote:

    Louise Larson So, so pretty. Pete's one lucky guy. :-)

    Peter Deamon I think you're up to something,,,sigh

    Melba S. Bjornson Lookin' good, Susan!

    Darlene Hollingsworth Looking Great. Love all that hair!!

    Louise Larson Women are always up to something. How do you think we know what men are doing?

    Deb Collins Chowning You look beautiful. I love your hair!

    Susan Ward Thank you,:)

    Kathy Farren Roza You are so beautiful..your smile!!..your HAIR is awesome <3

    Viola Hanks Hi Susan, you look awesome. Luv the hair.

    Judy Koch Feth Sachs Great picture,look wonderful

    Corrine Corky Sullivan Gosh darn you're a good lookin lady!

    Susan Ward Gosh thanks for all the nice comments

    Susan Ward Whoops I hit the send button to soon. I swore I would never have gray hair. The chemo gave me the gift of gray hair. Haha. Actually I feel better than I have felt in years. Happy and healthy:)

  • 1 comment:

    1. It does not matter what the color is. I'm just glad that you have any hair at all. That means you are done with that awful chemo and you are healthy. We're all going to have gray hair sooner or later if we live long enough. I'm just glad you are here with all of us who love you, to show off your new do! And you look MARVELOUS!
