As I travel my recovery path - I am returning to Tai Chi ( my original plan was to do this 2 weeks after my mastectomys) Well, that just did not happen! Now eight months later I am focusing on Tai Chi. This is a great video, Tia Chi brings wonderful energy to you - something you can actrually feel as you say good bye to negative feelings, thoughts and such.
I am knitting a new pair of socks and my hair is still growing. I feel good:)
Wishing peace and love to all!
By Mayo Clinic staff
The extent, or stage, of your breast cancer gives your doctor an idea of your prognosis — the likely outcome of your disease — and helps guide treatment decisions.
Your doctor determines your stage of breast cancer through examination of the tissue removed during a mastectomy or lumpectomy and of the lymph nodes under your arm.
Your breast cancer stage takes into account how large your cancer is and whether it has spread beyond your breast. Using this information, your doctor assigns a Roman numeral — I through IV — that describes your breast cancer stage.
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Stages of breast cancer
The extent, or stage, of your breast cancer gives your doctor an idea of your prognosis — the likely outcome of your disease — and helps guide treatment decisions.
Your doctor determines your stage of breast cancer through examination of the tissue removed during a mastectomy or lumpectomy and of the lymph nodes under your arm.
Your breast cancer stage takes into account how large your cancer is and whether it has spread beyond your breast. Using this information, your doctor assigns a Roman numeral — I through IV — that describes your breast cancer stage.
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